
The application must be able to demonstrate the acquisition of significant academic knowledge and practical experience. The admission requirements for the accredited fall into 4 different categories:

Accredited university

Trainee membership applicants must be registered at an accredited university or be eligible to be so enrolled, for a degree leading to the compliance with the academic entrance requirements.

Permanent employment

Applicants must submit proof that they are permanently employed at an ATC, and have signed a Training contract.

Comply with CPD requirements

It is required that all Accredited Bookkeepers shall comply with the CPD requirements applicable to members as prescribed.

Trainee member supported by Principal

An application for registration as a Trainee member shall be supported by the person agreeing to act as Principal in respect of the practical experience requirements, as provided for in the ATC/Training guidelines and in the Constitution.


Membership fee structure: Trainee Accountant

1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
Application FeeN$ 300.00
LogbookN$ 2,300.00
Annual FeeN$ 500.00
Monitoring per yearN$ 1,200.00

All fees are excluding VAT